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    What to do when you get an email warning about "variable is deprecated"

    How to update your email variable to the new formats.

    You may have seen email warnings about "variable is deprecated". The system has been updated to warn if an email variable or bit of code which is 'deprecated' or out of date. (I had to look up what that meant! - see

    What do you do?

    You can click Continue to send the emails and it will be fine.

    To stop seeing the warning we just need you to update your email template to the new formats for email variables. For example $recipient.firstname,Sir/Madam$ it is now ${recipient.firstname,Sir/Madam}. You'll see to update this variable all you need to do is add {} and remove the last $.

    You can use any of these Email variables in the subject and body of email or email template to display from a field rather than using a generic word like Sir/Madam or having to manually enter a variable like the invoice number:

    • ${recipient.fieldname,Sir/Madam} replace fieldname with any field on the Contact table, eg firstname will display the first name of the recipient, if first name is blank then the default Sir/Madam will be used instead. Note you don't have to add ,Sir/Madam it is only a default used in this example.
    • ${target.fieldname} replace fieldname with any field on the target table, eg If you are emailing an invoice the target invoicenumber will display the Invoice Number of the invoice being sent.
    • ${globals.fieldname} replace fieldname with any field on the Globals table, being the table with your settings fields eg If you are emailing and you want to display your company logo you use companylogo.
    • ${ text} generates an unsubscribe link and you replace the link text with the text you want to display, eg click here to unsubscribe will display as click here to unsubscribe and will have a link to create an unsubscribe reply email.
    • ${recipient.DOB{format='dd/MM/yyyy'}} will show DOB in the given format, eg {format='dd/MM/yyyy'} will display 03.23.1983 as 23/03/1983.