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    stSoftware was founded in 2000 to provide businesses with cloud applications

    stSoftware has a long history in cloud and web technology teamed with our experience working with a range of clients from global banking equities to government vendors, franchises, member organisations and SME businesses.

    Our clients choose to either install their system or utilise our cloud hosting for delivery as SaaS.

    We are constantly innovating and have developed a strong base of online tools and commercial-out-of-the-box products for specific industries which can be tailored for SME's or fully customised for large organisations and franchise groups. stSoftware has delivered integrated websites and web applications which promote communication, efficiency and standardisation across national and global operations.

    Our clients say their solutions give them efficient work-flow management,  reporting tools and business intelligence that is accessible 24/7 from desk or smart mobile devices. Using our customisation services they report increased ROI from automation and website integration for personalised customer experiences, ordering and enquiry forms.

    We create long-term sustainable business assets. Our systems were specifically designed to be flexible offering scaling on-demand and rapid adaptation through our award winning cloud and web development framework.

    Our products were launched in 2002 and were rapidly taken up by forward thinking industry leaders like Salomon Smith Barney (Citigroup Global Markets Inc). stSoftware's advanced framework were utilized to develop a global equities research database for Citigroup Global Markets Inc which was launched as the industry leading system in 2003. It involved a legacy system migration and is currently used in over 100 countries by 1000's of users.

    From the start stSoftware's online database technology was acclaimed by our clients for its scalability, data processing speed and the ability of the ‘engine’ to handle complex business rules and multiple security levels. Its journalling, archive and audit capabilities also ensured compliance with all regulatory authorities.

    We know cloud and web technology and its capabilities inside and out, have a proven track-record, robust products and can apply our expertise to the significant benefit of our clients.

    Contact us for more information about our products and services or call 1300 78 73 78.



    Cloud Hosting & SaaS Applications, Cloud/Web Application Development (Analysis & Design, Development, Data Migration, Training, support & Maintenance).


    Cloud/Web CMS Site BuilderJobTrack for SME's, Cloud File ManagerCloudblocks Development Framework, Equities ResearchMember Track.

    System Expertise:

    Web Equities Research, Cloud Union Membership Systems, Cloud/Web CMS Website & Integrated Applications, Cloud/Web Job Tracking Systems, Cloud/Web Subscription Management Systems, Cloud/Web Medical & Legal Appointment Scheduling Systems, Cloud/Web Tender Response Systems, CMS Tender Response Systems, Cloud/Web Gov Vendor Project Management Systems, Cloud/Web Financial & Equities CRM Systems,  Bespoke Cloud/Web Applications.


    Level 1 / Building C, No. 14 Rodborough Rd Frenchs Forest, NSW 2086 Australia